Monday, July 19, 2010

It looks like everything is finally, finally, finally falling into place.  The last month has been a relatively constant battle of paperwork, phone calls, and emails.  However, I've finally received official admission to the Peace and Conflict Studies program at Makerere University.  When I was in D.C. a few weeks ago, I stopped by for my visa.  After receiving 4 shots and a shipment of malaria pills, it looks like I'm set on that front.  Unfortunately, I'm three weeks out from when I'm supposed to be leaving and I still don't have a plane ticket, a host counselor, or an official place to live.  Even though those are pretty big things to be missing just a few weeks before leaving for a foreign country, I'm surprisingly relaxed about the whole situation.  People keep asking me if I'm nervous, but I don't really think that's the right word to describe what I'm feeling right now.  Maybe there is a little apprehension and stress, but mostly there's just excitement.  Maybe that will change once my bags are actually packed and I have to say goodbye to home.  We'll see!

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