Sunday, August 8, 2010

So it's finally here.  It really seems like forever ago that I started this whole process, and now that it's finally time for me to head over to Uganda, I'm finding it all a little surreal.  It's still so hard to grasp that I'm getting ready to spend a year in Uganda.  Despite all the research that I've been doing on the internet, I still really have no idea what to expect.  But that's all just part of the excitement.  I'm flying out of Charlotte tomorrow afternoon, then on to Detroit and Amsterdam before finally making it to Uganda.  18 hours in a plane....ahhhhhh!  I can honestly say that I would just skip this whole traveling part if I could, but then again, who wouldn't?  Add in the fact that I've never been able to sleep on planes makes for one grumpy and exhausted traveler.  On the positive side, I've finally been able to get into contact with a few Ugandan Rotarians.  Apparently, they were never told that I was coming so they were quite surprised to hear that I would be arriving in just a few shorts days.  They have been scrambling around trying to get as much ready as possible for my arrival.  It will be nice to have a friendly face greet me on the other side!  Hearing how excited they were to have me also helped to ease some of my nerves.  In fact, every Ugandan that I have communicated with in my preparations has taken the time to tell me how much I am going to love my time there.  Now I'm ready to go find out for myself!  More to come soon...


  1. Yay!!! Have a great flight and maybe you'll sleep some along the way. So glad you were finally able to hook up with some Rotarians there, I know they will take good care to get you all set up when you arrive. Looking forward to photos and blogs. Good Luck!
